Carmen Mar face portrait in red desert dunes close up

Mindset Mastery

10 day challenge for lymphedema warriors

Ready to break through limiting beliefs, increase your resilience and feel more positive and self confident?

Because the truth is, no treatment will be effective in managing your condition if you don’t have the right mindset to make it work.

Join this 10 day challenge to discover the 10 mindset shifts you need to successfully managing Lymphedema to reclaim your mental and emotional health, and feel like you can achieve ANYthing you want in life!

For Who?

This is for you if you are…

  • Struggling physically, mentally & emotionally.
  • Feeling exhausted and overwhelmed with the daily maintenance routines.
  • Struggling with stress, anxiety & fears about the worsening of your condition
  • Craving self- love & acceptance
  • Desiring to live an active, balanced and joyful lifestyle.
  • Ready to transform your mindset so you can feel deeply empowered & confident to reclaim your own life


What is included?

Living with Lymphedema can feel overwhelming and emotionally exhausting, especially if you don’t make specific mindset shifts so that you can break through limiting beliefs that block your health, happiness and energy!

In this 10 day challenge, you will learn powerful yoga, meditation and positive psychology tools and rituals to increase your confidence & stay motivated and positive managing your condition

Over the next 10 days, you’ll receive a brand new 10 min video training to support you with the mindset to not just coping with the condition but thriving with it.


What people are saying

My Dear Lymphie Warrior,

I’m Carmen Mar

Yoga teacher specialized in the Lymphatic system, empowerment coach and fellow lypmhedema warrior.

It amazes me how many beautiful lymphies struggle with their daily maintenance routines and instead of feeling deeply empowered they feel unmotivated and physically and emotionally exhausted.

As well as broke and frustrated visiting medical professionals who don’t know how to help.

What stops recently diagnosed Lymphies from staying active everyday and living the life they truly desire is NOT KNOWING the essential daily empowerment practices required to effectively manage their condition, boost their well being and take back control of their life.

When you start doing these incredible practices, you will not only feel EMPOWERED to manage your condition yourself.

More excitingly than that you will feel ECSTATIC for life and like NOTHING is going to stop you!

Carmen Mar in Tanzhaus
Carmen Mar Vrksasana Treepose in front of Ram Jula Ganges with cow in Rishikesh
Happy Carmen Mar throughing up petals in a backyard

Mindset Mastery

Get immediate access to the free 10-day Challenge

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Do you want to stay in touch after you finish the challenge? I have plenty of more tips about Lymphedema that I would love to send your way!

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No. I only want to do the challenge.