Carmen Mar Lymphie Warrior Dance Pose in airport terminal Duesseldorf NRW Germany

10 Tips on Traveling by Plane with Lymphedema

Swollen and heavy legs after a long flight? Being seated and inactive in confined spaces for journeys lasting more than 4 hours can slow down blood circulation and saturate the lymphatic system. As a result, we retain fluids and experience that sensation of swelling and heaviness in our legs, increasing the risk of developing “traveler’s…

Carmen Mar Yoga Vrksasana Treepose in front of Ram Jula Ganges river Rishikesh with cows

Mindfulness and Its Benefits for Lymphedema Patients

Mindfulness is a meditation technique whose benefits have been scientifically proven in patients with chronic illnesses, pain, exhaustion, anxiety, and stress. Keep reading this article to discover what it is, how it can improve the well-being of people with lymphedema, and how to practice it. What It Means Mindfulness is a method that helps us…